Despite hailing from Telford, the town famous for its high level of teenage pregnancy, T'pau, and a bridge made of iron, LF's journey begins during a chance meeting at a Morrissey concert, where members Nick Robinson (vocals and guitar) and Lyndon Henry Thompson (drums) caught the same sweat drenched shirt thrown into the audience by Morrissey, and both refused to let go. Eventually ejected for fighting throughout the set, the pair waited with black eyes for friends in a nearby pub whilst still clutching to Morrissey's shirt. Over 2 gins the pair realised they shared not only an interest in Morrissey/similar bands, but the same town, growing up within a half mile radius of each other. The pair recruited Paul Pugh (bass) after he cut Nicks hair during a house party. They spent the night talking britpop, old football shirts and how Paul had once nearly cut Alex James' hair at barber college.
The trio began rehearsing and writing together, combining 90's British guitar sounds with catchy hooks and toe tapping grooves to create what they have called Sleaze Pop.
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