Sunday, 17 May 2015

Music - Part 422 - Temporary Hero | Seventh Stanger | Halocene | Marsha Swanson | LTO

Being away having a baby Son (well my wife did the hard bit) hasn’t stopped another flow of singles  Some have been out a while, but here’s a little round-up.


Temporary Hero – Circus (Anticodon Records)
Apparently this is what the kids call Urban nowadays.  Temporary Hero is the one-man project of someone whose name I can’t determine. It’s very bland, ordinary electronic stuff apparently influenced by amongst others, Depeche Mode and New Order (can’t see where myself).   It’s all very bland with guest vocals by someone else who remains autonomous.  Nice video with a young lady doing some modern dance stuff.

Temporary Hero is on Facebook here. 


Seventh Stranger – Suffocation (Anticodon Records)

Slightly better alternative poppy thing from American artist Seventh Stranger (named after a track from Duran’s Seven And The Ragged Tiger album).  It’s a 90s inspired electronic effort from someone else who doesn’t want us to see his face.  Nice backing, pleasant enough track but nothing that’s going to change the world.  Video features a man making a mess is a boring white room.


Loads of remixes of the tracks on iTunes here.    


Halocene – Teenage Love Following Foxes – Following Foxes EP

Lead rack from new EP by Birmingham Indie Band.  It’s pretty good, upbeat guitar rock/pop with a decent enough hook which ingrains itself in your head even if you don’t want it to.  Sounds like a cross between New Order and Bombay Bicycle Club say the PR stuff and it probably isn’t far wrong.  Already highlighted by the West Midlands arm of BBC Introducing, the group might just have a little something bubbling away.


Halocene on Soundcloud here.    


Marsha Swanson – You Think I’m So Great I’m Not

Marsha is correct.  This isn’t very good.   It’s bland middle-of-the-road 70s sounding pop.  Struggled to find a link to the song anywhere other than a snippet on CD Baby here which surely can’t help an artist push their song.  Marsha songs a delightful lady on her website, but I’m afraid that this just sounds dated, and to be frank a bit boring.  A good voice that needs an equally good song to push it along.


Marsha has a website here.


LTO – No Pasa Nada (Injazero Records)

New EP from Bristol based electronic producer.  This is more like it and reminds hiapop for our friend My Panda Shall Fly.  Layered sounds over looped melodies and loads of interesting effects thrown in.  Nice to hear someone actually thinking about how their music will sound and always says a lot when instrumentals can be more interesting than vocal efforts.  Lots of nice words from leading music magazines which are well deserved.


LTO is on Facebook here. 



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